The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf

  • Representative Text. 1 Be still, my soul! For God is on your side; bear patiently the cross of grief or pain: leave to your God to order and provide, who through all changes faithful will remain. Be still, my soul! Your best, your heav’nly Friend. Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end. 2 Be still, my soul! For God will undertake.
  • The Guidance of God —Our Way to Paradise Designed to appeal to Muslims who live in an environment where they may feel free to study the Bible How to offer it: “I understand that Muslims believe in one true God and in all the prophets.
  • O: God calls on us to care for our brothers and sisters around the world. Let us, then, approach God with our prayers for others and for ourselves. C: God of compassion, you speak to our hearts and call us to care for one another. Hear these prayers that we bring out of concern for our world, through Christ our Lord.

Paradise, never forecasting any trouble and predicting a future of ease, but that is fantasy. Christ warned His disciples and all who follow in His footsteps to expect trials in this life (John 15:18—16:6). What ought to sustain us in the midst of them is our faith in God, knowing He is working all things out for our good.

  • 201711 Apr

Throughout Scripture, we are reminded of God’s direction over our lives. He is our good Shepherd who leads us and He desires that we follow the path that leads to joy and contentment. When we pray for God’s guidance and for discernment through the Holy Spirit, we can rest assured that God will provide wisdom! We do not have to worry about our next step or about tomorrow because we know who guides our way! Do not rush your day without going before God to seek guidance!

We have created a beautiful PDF version of these prayers for you to download and keep with you throughout the day as you seek God's leading and direction.

A Short Prayer for Guidance

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. Forgive me for getting ahead of Your plans, and help me know when to stop and listen for Your direction. Your ways are perfect, Lord. Thank You for offering gentle grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- Kristine Brown

Prayer for Guidance from the Holy Spirit

Lord, I pray you would move the Spirit more boldly in my life. I know that any sin can grieve and diminish the voice of the Spirit, and I pray against the temptation to sin. Help me crave your presence more than I crave sin. Help me grow in the fruit of the Spirit and so walk closer with Yourself. I pray for guidance from your Spirit- let your will and promises always be a meditation of my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
- Kenny Luck

A Prayer for Guidance When Life is Challenging

Lord, I’m here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day and all it will bring my way. Help me be like Nehemiah, help me come to you for guidance, strength, provision, and protection. As I face tough choices and hard situations, help me remember my belovedness, help me remember that I am Your child and Your representative to the world around me. Help me live today in a way that brings honor to Your holy name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- Charles Stanley

Prayer for Guidance in the Day Ahead

Good morning, Lord! Today's a new day, a chance for a new start. Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced. It's a good day to be glad and give thanks, and I do, Lord. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be.

Today I want to start the day with you on my mind and in my heart. As I dress, let me wear the armor you've provided daily: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, and the sword of the spirit—with prayer on my tongue: praise for you and petitions for those around me and those I meet.

Feed me today with your daily bread. As the Bread of Life, your food, like manna, will sustain me throughout any trials and hunger. Help me to set my thoughts on things above and to speak only what will help and encourage others. Keep me from putting my foot in my mouth, and help me guard the affections of my heart today, Lord. Make whatever work I do be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism, as I seek not to make a name, but to make a difference. Help me to treat each person I encounter as you would, with respect and love, forgiving others and asking for forgiveness myself when needed.

As I start this day, help me remember that I belong to you, and my desire is to act accordingly. Keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from wandering into distractions that could steal precious time and energy from the most important things you have designed for me. I'm proud to be your child, Lord. And I'm so grateful that you died for me—rising again on your own new morning—so that every day could be filled with the wonder of your love, the freedom of your Spirit, and the joy of knowing you.

I know earthly life is short and fleeting, Lord. But I want to live today as if it were the first or the last day of my life, giving thanks for every good and perfect gift you choose to give. Today, and every day, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. In your precious name, Amen.
- Rebecca Barlow Jordan

A Prayer for Discernment and Wisdom When You Need God’s Direction

Lord, thank You for the people You have divinely placed in my life who speak holy truth, love and words of wisdom. Give me a heart of discernment to know when You are using someone to speak instruction into my heart and my circumstances and give me the strength and courage to follow through with that advice, even when it’s hard. Fill me with peace in knowing that even if I take a wrong turn, Your purpose will prevail. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- Tracie Miles

This Beautiful Version of Psalm 23 Had Me in Tears from biblestudytools on GodTube.

Bible Verses About God’s Guidance

Psalm 25:4-5 - 'Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.'

James 1:5 - 'If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.'

Psalm 16:7-8 - 'I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.'

Proverbs 3:5-6 - 'Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.'

Psalm 32:8-9 - 'I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.'

John 16:13 - 'But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.'

What decisions and situations are you praying for guidance over? Join in our large praying community in the comments below and recieve encouragement!

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Strength
Prayer for Protection
Morning Prayers
Good Night Prayers
The Prayer of Jabez
Short Prayers
The Lord's Prayer
The Prayer of St Francis
Serenity Prayer
A Birthday Prayer
Sinner’s Prayer
Prayer for Forgiveness
Prayer for Guidance
Intercessory Prayer
Irish Prayers and Blessings

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(See also Black Muslims; Koran; Mosques; Muḥammad)

Allah: sh 284-285

attitude toward Trinity: sh 296-297; ti 4

beliefs: sh 295-297, 299-303

Abraham: w86 4/15 6

Adam: gu 8

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf

Bible: gu 4, 30-31; sh 286

circumcision: w07 6/1 12

condition of the dead: sh 297, 299-300

death: g88 7/8 8

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf Download

fasting: w96 11/15 4

fate (Kismet): w90 8/15 3, 6

Five Pillars of Islam: sh 303; g89 7/22 22

The guidance of god our way to paradise pdf

holy war: g89 7/22 22

influence of ancient Greece: ie 16

Jesus Christ: w11 4/1 3; ol 9; gu 20-21; ct 145; sh 295-296

judgment day: w01 7/15 3

Mahdi (rightly guided one): w92 10/1 6

miracles: w05 2/15 3-4

monotheism (no Trinity): sh 296-297

name of God: gu 10; w93 11/1 3-4

Paradise: sh 300

resurrection: w05 5/1 4; sh 297

Six Pillars of Belief: sh 296

soul: w99 4/1 13-14; ie 16; w90 5/1 18; sh 297, 299-300; g88 7/8 8

sources: g89 7/22 22

suffering: g20.2 4

Sufism (mysticism): g89 7/22 24

cell phone for Muslims: g05 2/22 29


dating system (calendar): it-1 447; sh 292

discussion: g91 1/8 17-18; sh 284-303; g89 7/22 21-24

empire: g89 7/22 22-23

map: g89 7/22 23


appreciation for Awake! series: g94 12/8 30

Black Muslims: w01 9/15 4, 6; g90 3/22 21-24

brings many to Memorial and special talk: yb15 58-60

Muslim father, Jewish mother: w15 1/1 8-9

Muslim judge releases pioneer: g 9/09 13-14

Muslims accept truth: yb14 158-159; w12 2/1 10-12; w12 6/15 28-29; yb09 236-237, 239; yb99 74, 76; km 2/98 4; yb90 235; w88 6/1 21; w86 4/15 23

prays for truth: w98 4/15 27

professor intrigued by Bible questions: w92 12/15 28

touched by Bible’s promise of war-free world: yb08 10

visitor to Germany branch office: g03 3/8 24

Feast of Fast-Breaking:

new moon begins: g 11/08 30

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf Free

former Soviet republics:

agreement with Russian Orthodox leaders to stop Witnesses and others: g96 5/22 28

Imam a chaplain in U.S. army: g94 6/8 28


Khomeini’s objectives: g87 1/8 8; g87 4/22 4

Shiite objectives: g87 1/8 8

Kaaba: g94 3/8 24; g91 1/8 17-18; sh 286-287, 289, 292


promotion among youths: g 2/12 29

marriage: sh 300-301

meaning of terms:

A.H.: sh 292

Allah: g89 7/22 21

Barzakh:ie 16; sh 299

hegira (hijrah): sh 292; g89 7/22 21

imam: sh 293

Islam: sh 285; g89 7/22 21

Koran: sh 284; g89 7/22 21

Muslim: sh 285; g89 7/22 21

muta: sh 300-301

shahādah:sh 296, 303

sura: sh 284

more than just a religion: g89 7/22 22

mosques: sh 301-302

Casablanca, Morocco: g89 5/8 29

Córdoba, Spain: sh 302-303; g88 11/8 25

Jerusalem, Israel: it-2 48

photos: sh 298, 303

Rome, Italy: g90 1/22 29

number of Muslims: sh 284-285

England: g 10/08 30

percentage of world population: w89 7/1 3

surpasses number of Roman Catholics: g 12/08 29

United States: g01 12/22 29

prayer: g 4/12 17; sh 284, 301

propagation of beliefs: g88 11/8 24

sword used in response to Crusades: g89 8/8 22

sacred places:

Jerusalem: sh 286, 298; g89 7/22 22

Mecca: g94 3/8 23-24; sh 4, 286-287, 289, 303; g89 7/22 21-22

Medina: sh 292; g89 7/22 21-22

sacred writings:

Hadith (Sunna): sh 290-291

Koran: w12 6/15 27; sh 17, 284-286, 288, 290-291

Shari‘a: sh 290-291

Saudi Arabia:

pilgrims die in stampede: g90 10/8 28-29

sects: g89 7/22 23-24

Khariji: sh 294; g89 7/22 22

Shiah: sh 293-295, 301; g89 7/22 23-24

Sunni: sh 293-295, 301; g89 7/22 23-24

Spain: g 9/14 14-15; sh 302; g89 8/8 22; g88 11/8 23-26

spread: g89 8/8 22-23

after death of Muḥammad: sh 292

after sixth century C.E.: sh 302

successors to Muḥammad: sh 293-295

‘transmission belt for technology’: g88 11/8 26-27

travels of Ibn Battuta (14th century): g 8/11 14-16

Tunisia: g 11/15 4


former Yugoslavia: g94 10/22 4

Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988): g88 5/8 30

Mongol invasion of Muslim lands (13th century): g 5/08 13-15


witnessing to Muslims: km 11/99 8; km 2/98 6; w94 6/15 27; km 1/91 7; km 8/91 1; w87 2/15 28

about obedience to God: wp20.3 11

about Paradise: yb14 157-158

about prayer: wp20.3 10

articles “Is Our Future Written in Advance?” and “What Will Your Future Be?”: w98 4/15 3-8

Bible authenticity: wp20.3 6-7; gu 29-31

brochure Real Faith—Your Key to a Happy Life:rk 1-32

brochure The Guidance of God—Our Way to Paradise:gu 1-32; km 11/99 8; km 12/98 7

Indonesia: yb16 152, 163, 166

Jesus as God’s Son: wp20.3 9; ol 9; gu 20; ct 145

Jesus as Messiah: rk 18-23, 30; gu 18-19

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf File

magazine issue Lasting Blessings From a Loving God:wp20.3 1-16

tract Does Fate Rule Our Lives?—Or Does God Hold Us Responsible? (Tract No. 71): km 12/95 7

tract Hellfire—Is It Part of Divine Justice? (Tract No. 74): km 7/01 3

tract How to Find the Road to Paradise:km 11/90 7

tract Jehovah’s Witnesses—A Christian Community:km 7/93 3

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf

tract The Greatest Name (Tract No. 72): km 12/95 7

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tract Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses? (Tract No. 73): km 7/01 3